
April 8, 2022

Canada Cleantech’s 2022 Budget Assessment

Budget 2022Key items for cleantech   Thursday April 7th, Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland released Budget 2022: A Plan to Grow Our Economy and Make Life More Affordable (Budget 2022) which provides the basis for a total new spending of…

April 1, 2022

Climate Action in Albertan Municipalities? It’s Electrifying!

Having experienced the impacts of climate change first-hand, including severe weather events like hail, flooding, wildfires, wind storms and drought, municipalities of all sizes are recognizing the crucial contributions they can make to climate change action.

April 1, 2022

Agents of Change: Andrew Weaver on BC’s Clean Future

If you want something done right sometimes you have to do it yourself. And that’s exactly what University of Victoria professor turned politician Andrew Weaver did when he saw a lack of climate leadership within the British Columbia…

April 1, 2022

Accounting for Clean Capitalism

You may not think of accountants as being agents in the fight against climate change, but as Gord Beal describes it, that’s counting them short.

March 18, 2022

Tentree: To Make Saving the Planet Simple

I had the opportunity to go on a student exchange program and attend the University of Hawaii for my final semester before graduation in 2011. A few friends came to visit during the last week of the student…

March 18, 2022

Fighting food waste at its core

When we heard that one of the largest produce-distributing facilities in Canada was throwing away 16 tons of fruits and vegetables per day, Julie and I sold everything we had to embark on a mission… to not only…