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These days, finding the silver lining is the name of the game. It’s tough, but moving towards a brighter future is far from impossible and we want to appreciate the individuals who are helping us move ahead. Today,…
At the Clean50, we have always been super proud of the fact that 100% of our Clean50 Champions / Sponsors have come on board AFTER they have first participated in a Clean50 Summit, and Mackenzie Investments is no…
On April 25th, 2022, The City Council in Trail, B.C., home of one of the largest zinc and lead smelters in the world, unanimously voted to transition the community to 100% renewable energy no later than 2050. Trail,…
The Quadreal Clean50 Net-Zero Action Award We know we need to get to Net-Zero by 2050. This requires both deep planning and action now. It is not about buying offsets, it is about using energy more efficiently, burning…
2022 Clean50 Emerging Leader Tori Waugh shares her Clean50 Experience… This year I hit big milestones; shook things up at the organizations I work for; started projects solving agriculture’s energy use challenges and improving the value of Ag…
As the steward and primary steward of the Canada’s Clean50 Awards, Delta Management Group is no longer prepared to offer “cover” – or provide positive publicity to organizations whose “good” – i.e. climate-positive – activities are overshadowed by…
What would happen if you brought the social mission sector together to pool resources, access better office facilities and amenities, break down silos, and collaborate? That’s exactly what the Centre for Social Innovation set out to discover – and the results, as CEO Tonya Surman explains, have led to meaningful impacts in their communities and beyond.
With so many new companies starting from the ground up, how can entrepreneurs put measures in place that ensure they operate in an ethical, inclusive, and sustainable manner and create products that contribute to a clean economy?
Our latest collection of sustainability, climate policy, clean tech and climate activist leaders are celebrated in the Globe and Mail each Earth Week, and today, April 20, 2022 that is again the case. Here’s the complete list for…