Category: General

Neighbours United deep canvassing in PPE in COVID

The Best Way to Deliver Climate Action?

“Neighbours United” teaches us that minds can be changed with “Deep Canvassing” by Clean50 Executive Director, Gavin Pitchford Trail BC, is not a community where the climate crisis and net-zero energy / renewable energy was ever front and…

How Circular Economies Are Driving Climate-Smart Agriculture

The circular economy offers a transformative approach for sustainable agriculture, reducing waste, lowering emissions, and improving resource efficiency. Michael Riedijk, Founder & CEO at Lucent BioSciences, discusses how innovations like bio-based fertilizers and regenerative practices enhance resilience, while…

The Buildings of the Future are Already Built

Sandrine Tremblay, Co-President & CTO at Kolostat inc., discusses how major Canadian cities are accelerating building decarbonization through financial incentives, and retrofitting existing structures to reduce emissions is key. Future regulations will enforce energy reductions, making early action…

What True Mobilization Means

While sustainability is widely discussed, achieving real change requires personal involvement, trust, and reciprocity. Allison Reynaud, Co-director, Partnerships and development at Montréal Climate Partnership, outlines a collaborative approach to mobilization, where understanding others’ challenges and creating mutual value…