Adam Noble
If this story were a Walt Disney movie, it would be dismissed as fanciful. The remarkable reality is that, as a teenager trying to solve the riddle of how to prevent algae blooms in the lake beside his home, Adam, now 20, embarked on a journey of research, discovery and now development and testing of a solution that may solve multiple major problems – and cause a paradigm shift in waste water treatment in everything from mines to municipalities. Techniques he has developed are entering a trial phase, expected to filter 100,000L wastewater/day, sequester large volumes of carbon dioxide and generate 13,000 Kg of Euglena filtrate for biofuel. Better yet – the recovered cause of the algae blooms – silver nanoparticles – have been repurposed as a treatment for a childhood form of leukemia, and are expected to be used in treatment within 3 years. This is one movie where we can’t wait for the sequel!