AJ Esquega
The Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek – Gull Bay First Nation (KZA-GBFN) wanted to reconcile past grievances with Ontario Power Generation (OPG) by partnering on a clean energy project that would transition the Community off diesel and into clean power generation, working together to construct a showcase model that can be implemented in other Indigenous, remote and diesel dependent communities. As the Mashkawiziiwin Energy Projects Coordinator AJ served as a critical liaison between the KZA-GBFN community, project partners, collaborators, industry, funders and various levels of Government throughout the project, while ensuring the community was informed and milestones were achieved, including speaking at many schools. As of April 6 2021, Giizis Energy had avoided over 340 tonnes of GHG and over 106,000L of diesel fuel.