Darren Jones
In North America, 40% of energy is wasted heating and cooling buildings. To combat this, MyHEAT uses aerial survey equipment and machine learning to collect and process raw thermal data into their software platform that displays the heat loss of each individual building. This heat loss data can be used to model and incentivize energy efficiency potential. Having efficient homes across an entire city can help manage peak loads, while reducing carbon emissions and energy waste. Darren’s team has collected and processed heat loss data for over 2,000,000 buildings so far. Darren has also deployed a solar potential platform in 4 Canadian cities, allowing users to visualize the potential benefits of installing rooftop solar. It has been used in conjunction with clean energy rebate programs, and the City of Edmonton grew their connected solar capacity from 18,834 kW to 37,594 kW in 40 months with MyHEAT.