Hon. Steven Guilbeault
A pragmatic climate advocate, whose work to date is grounded in collaboration with Canada’s provinces and territories, Indigenous Peoples, stakeholders, and international communities, since assuming office in 2021, Minister Guilbeault has successfully brokered the global biodiversity agreement, including key Canadian priorities such as protecting 30% of nature by 2030 (a goal already halfway achieved) and also delivered Canada’s comprehensive national Emissions Reduction Plan, outlining a sector-specific roadmap to 40% emissions reductions below 2005 levels by 2030, placing Canada on the path to net-zero emissions by 2050. This comprehensive plan includes $9.1B in new investments in everything from energy efficiency retrofits to EV incentives, and reflects measures such as carbon pricing—the pillar of Canada’s climate action efforts – as well as a clean fuel standard. Above all, thanks to his steadfast leadership in modernizing the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, Canada now recognizes the “right to a healthy environment” for the first time in history- These accomplishments facilitated by the Minister, amongst many others, are helping to drive Canada towards a cleaner, healthier, and greener future for Canada.