Public Sector
Kristina Michaud, MP headshot
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Kristina Michaud, MP

Member of Parliament, House of Commons
A team of three political powerhouses, who come from different political parties, but who stand together for climate action. As members of parliament, these impactful women are sending a strong signal that climate issues are non-partisan – though one party’s absence on this team is hard to ignore.

As the Bloc Québécois’ elected spokesperson for climate change issues, Ms Michaud consistently challenges government inaction, notably pushing to halt fossil fuel subsidies and opposing the Bay du Nord oil exploration. Her voice was crucial at COP28 and COP15, championing Canada’s role in global environmental efforts. Kristina’s determination to align Canadian policy with the Paris Agreement is evident in her fight for Bill C-215, which although defeated, inspired Motion M-84, reinforcing the call for financial system alignment with climate goals. Despite the resistance she encounters, Ms. Michaud’s relentless advocacy is making climate change a political priority.