Marc Couture, P.Eng
As the person leading the development of the University’s “Climate Positive” Campus Master Plan, the first plan of its kind demonstrating how to transform a 170+ year old campus beyond net-zero carbon into a climate positive world by eliminating more carbon than it produces Marc, deserves a 4.0 GPA! The massive retrofit and build plan expects to reduce campus GHG emissions by nearly 60% by 2026, and through the implementation and administration of the industry leading Tri-Campus Sustainability Performance standard, ensures that a $5B+ capital program and $40M+/yr deferred maintenance projects are held to the strictest energy and carbon standards in the country while pushing the consultancy sector to push the envelope. The industry leading performance standard has already been applied to to over 80 capital projects totaling in value over $3 billion, and resulted in high performance energy and carbon designs that have already helped the U of T avoid an incremental 8,500 tonnes of carbon annually. [158]