The people who make a difference
Founded by the Keatings in 1989, the team of Ross, John and Kent successfully pioneered the creation of Canada's largest renewable energy company, Canadian Hydro Developers, a company worth over $1.6 billion when it was taken over through a hotly contested battle in 2009. The legacy they built will continue to benefit the environment and society for generations to come. In 2010, the Keatings and Brown continued their journey by starting up BluEarth Renewables, a private Canadian company that develops and operates renewable energy projects across North America. BluEarth has already made a significant impression on the renewables markets when it partnered on a $640 million acquisition of hydro-electric plants in Ontario. With over 55 years of combined renewables experience, the Keatings and Brown are entrepreneurs, leaders and influencers in an industry that makes a meaningful and positive impact on the sustainability of the country.The Clean50 Individual awards are selected from 16 diverse categories that transcend industries, academia, different levels of government, thought leaders and advocates, and are based on accomplishments delivered over the prior two years.

Raymond Côté
Nova Scotia Round Table on Environment and Sustainable Prosperity
Education & Thought Leadership

Marty Janowitz
Stantec; Vice Chair of the Nova Scotia Round Table on Sustainable Prosperity
Consultants & Enablers

Dr. Brenda McCabe, Civil Engineering Department, University of Toronto Team
University of Toronto
Education & Thought Leadership