Peter Love, BA, MBA
A part of the Pollution Probe team in the early 1970’s that developed the now familiar material conservation paradigm: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, a cofounder of the legendary Summerhill Group, Ontario’s Chief Energy Conservation Officer, decades of consulting work and now chairing the board of the Community Centre for Energy transformation, Peter has been one of the main voices and faces of energy conservation in Ontario for the last 40+ years, consistently promoting a “Culture of Conservation”. He has led two advocacy organizations, co-founded two for-profit energy service companies, taught at two universities and served on numerous boards. His efforts have helped shift public energy discussions from focusing on the supply side to examining the demand side, and the potential contribution of energy conservation as a cost-effective, timely solution. As CECO, Peter delivered more than 600 public addresses in 4 years, focusing on the 3 E’s of energy conservation: Employment, Economy and Environment.