Truzaar Dordi
A tireless advocate for responsible investment by Canada’s largest institutional investors. Truzaar is determined to decarbonize Canada by starving the fossil fuel industry of their financial support and driving a sustainable transition away from such activities. Amongst his activities: publishing on fossil fuel divestment and shareholder engagement, including a recently published paper, ‘Ten Financial Actors’, that has received ~1.2 million views, helping OilSandsDivest lead a campaign in BC advocating the province’s Investment Management Corporation to divest, and serving as a driving force on the University of Waterloo’s Responsible Investment Advisory Group, leading to the decarbonization of the University’s $2 billion pension and endowment fund. Truzaar currently serves as Vice President of the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics, successfully leading a national academic conference, a student symposium, and an Indigenous economics conference collectively hosting over 500 academics, business and policy leaders, and changemakers.