Vinay Sharma, P.Eng., Ph.D.
Under Vinay’s Leadership, London Hydro has been at the forefront of innovation by implementing many different programs, technologies, and projects to ensure Londoners are abundantly saving energy and money. These programs, like Green Button which allows energy consumers to carefully monitor their energy use and make informed decisions about their consumption habits, saved 37,800 MWh between 2019 and 2020 alone.
A keen supporter of renewables, under his watch London Hydro has connected 1.741 MW of new renewable generation and operated 460kW of solar, generating approximately 700 MWh per year. He was also directly involved in developing and deploying a smart microgrid in the West 5, a local large-scale net-zero community, to prove that net-zero communities are feasible and can be implemented across Canada.
By investing over $10 million in new innovative programs and projects, Vinay is striving to define the future of electricity distribution systems’ roles in combatting climate change.