Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP): Leadership in Environmental Advancement Program (LEAP) Conference & Awards

Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) owns more than 180 properties, representing $9B in office, retail, industrial and residential assets across Canada. When its approximately 20 asset and property management partners are added into the mix, HOOPP influences as much as $100B in Canadian real estate. That’s somewhere close to one third of the entire market.

As a responsible investor and signatory to the PRI, HOOPP takes its position of influence seriously. HOOPP is not only committed to elevating sustainability within its own portfolio, but to driving the broader industry towards greener buildings and clean capitalism. Developing and hosting the 2015 LEAP Conference and Awards helped HOOPP achieve this mission.

LEAP Conference: Actively inspiring change
In 2015, as part of its annual Leadership in Environmental Advancement Program (LEAP) Awards, HOOPP organized and financed the LEAP Conference.


Attended by over 100 representatives from more than 20 different real estate investors and management companies across Canada, the LEAP Conference was a groundbreaking first. It provided a unique forum for senior Canadian real estate executives (many of whom are competitors) to come together in a spirit of collaboration to share best practices and learn from their peers as well as visionary sustainability leaders from the UK and Sweden.

The LEAP Conference is a striking example of an investor going above and beyond its responsible investment pledge to actively take sustainability to the next level. When an investor like HOOPP takes the lead, the industry takes notice. For the many CEOs and senior managers who attended the LEAP Conference, the message was clear and inspiring: There is a strong business case for sustainability, and the more we work together, the more we can achieve.


LEAP Awards: Recognizing unsung heroes
Following the LEAP Conference, HOOPP held its LEAP Awards Ceremony. Established in 2012, the LEAP Awards recognize the many building operators, property managers and tenants whose daily contributions make HOOPP’s impressive sustainability record possible. Without these unsung heroes, driving sustainability at the ground level, HOOPP would not be able to realize and report its significant energy, carbon, water, waste and other savings across its portfolio.

Together with the LEAP Conference, the LEAP Awards showcase and inspire sustainability leadership and innovation throughout HOOPP’s portfolio and across the industry as a whole.

Team Members: Carrie Gurza, Terri Head, Trina Hiscock, Sara Mawson, Francisca Quinn, Joanna Kipp, Tony Pringle


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