
October 1, 2016

Canada’s Clean50 2016 Announcement

The Canada’s Clean50 Honour is awarded annually to the 50 individual leaders (and small teams) who have contributed the most to enhancing sustainability and clean capitalism in Canada over the prior 2 years. Now in its fifth year,…

October 1, 2015

Canada’s Clean50 2015 Announcement

Celebrating outstanding achievements in sustainability across 16 categories,Canada’s Clean50 Awards recognize 50 individuals or small teams working in areas from academia to manufacturing who are reducing emissions,saving energy, diverting waste and taking other actions to help build a…

November 1, 2014

2014 Advocacy Statement

An open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Thomas Mulcair, Justin Trudeau, Elizabeth May, our Premiers, Canadian business leaders, and all Canadians. IT’S TIME TO ACT Leading climate scientists overwhelmingly agree that our climate is changing – and that most of the change is…

October 1, 2014

Canada’s Clean50 2014 Announcement

What began as an ideas cribbled on the back of a restaurant napkin in 2011 has developed into a sought-after award for sustainable development in Canada that is changing and inspiring leadership across the sector. Canada’s Clean50 celebrates…