Carlyle Coutinho
Known for its Deep Lake Water Cooling (DLWC), Enwave is a constant innovator in providing resilient and sustainable energy at community scale. Carlyle leads strategy and operations for the Canadian business creating unique commercial and municipal partnerships that allow Enwave to expand their sustainable solutions. These solutions include building high efficiency hot water districts, large scale thermal storage for dual use heating and cooling, and, with Federal support, investing greater than $100 million into expanding the DLWC system and integrating heat pumps to serve the equivalent of 40-50 new buildings. With other Federal support, Enwave is pursuing a project in PEI which will divert an additional 23,000 tonnes of waste from landfill to generate energy, thus reducing harmful methane emissions. Through partnerships, Carlyle is elevating the profile of low-carbon district energy as a viable and impactful solution to climate change challenges.