The projects that make a difference

The Clean50 Top Projects annually recognize those projects completed in the prior two years based on their innovation, their ability to inform, and inspire other Canadians. The Top Project of the year is then selected each year at the Clean50 Summit, from votes cast by both incoming and Alumni members of the Clean50.


Tree Canada: Creating a new Canadian holiday: Tree Day!

With the help of MP Royal Galipeau, Tree Canada created National Tree Day – a celebration of all things trees occurring on the Wednesday of every National Forest Week (this year September 25, 2013). This special day was…


Waterfront Toronto: Outstanding excellence in a CSRS Report

Waterfront Toronto’s leadership in completing its first Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report (CSRSR) sets a high bar. Waterfront Toronto has spent the last decade fulfilling its commitment to create a revitalized waterfront that sets a national and…