Category: General

energy monitoring device

Libraries Should Start Lending Home Energy Monitoring Tools

Arman Mottaghi, MSc., CEO of Properate, explains an easy way for homeowners to monitor home energy through library tool lending programs. By monitoring home energy, homeowners can identify ways to make their homes more climate resilient. I am…

online meeting screen

How Telework Does (or Does Not) Reduce Carbon Emissions

Teleworking appears to be good for emission reductions, due to less emissions from the workplace commute. However, Dr. Jean Andrey, Professor at the University of Waterloo, explains how this may not be the case. The transport sector is…

Cogeco's breezeline electric vehicle

The Cogeco Journey to Contribute to Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

Elizabeth Alves, Clean16 Honouree and the “driving force” behind sustainability at Cogeco, outlines how Cogeco is utilising its Sustainability Steering Committee and exploring fleet electrification to meet ambitious science-based targets. Building upon a long standing tradition of social…

Doug Ettinger with Canada Post's new low emission vehicles

How We’re Greening Canada Post for Future Generations

Canada Post President and CEO Doug Ettinger details the ambitious plan for a net-zero transformation that earned Canada Post Corporation a Clean16 Award. Slashing emissions starts with detailed planning. Climate targets need to align with climate science and…

Canada’s 2023 Clean50 List Released

Coincident with the release of The 2023 list of Canada’s Clean50 Award recipients was announced last Thursday, October 6th, and the Clean50 Summit took place in Toronto the same day, at the Globe and Mail’s Conference Centre overlooking…