The people who make a difference
New and Improved! Energy savings built in! Ontario now has the most stringent energy efficiency requirements built into its building code of any jurisdiction in North America – and strongly supported by industry - thanks to the commitment of the Government of Ontario - and the skillful engagement and leadership of the Ministry team responsible for creating it, and for getting it implemented. Effective engagement within government, the building industry and other stakeholders ensured that new homes built in Ontario since February 2012 are 40% more energy efficient than those built in 2006 - and that over the same time frame, commercial buildings are 25% more energy efficient. The code imposes stronger standards in different climatic regions in the province, beefing up standards with higher latitudes. Two other provinces have since followed suit, although the standards applied are equivalent only to the lowest standards set in Ontario.The Clean50 Individual awards are selected from 16 diverse categories that transcend industries, academia, different levels of government, thought leaders and advocates, and are based on accomplishments delivered over the prior two years.